Domain Registration Company

Domain Registration Companies in Dubai
Customers can buy their domainsby credit card or PayPal and they can attach their domains with hosting in order to live their site. But there are several other things that have to keep in mind like good web design, seo,content, digital marketing, specially company logo with other stationary, brochure, business card and so on.
There are many factors that have to keep in mind when you going to start purchasing your domain because you have to buy from domain companies not local hosting providers. Some companies may offer one year domain free with their hosting plan or you can buy separately from same or different companies but there are some factors that is important for making good decision like SSL certificate because with security point of if your site is very important for you as you own a business with your site so you must buy SSL with domain and good hosting package.
If someone buy domain from international companies like go daddy , hosgator, blue host it cost almost similar between companies and if someone buy from any country. They pay in US$ and they don’t need to convert their currencies into dollar if they have credit card or PayPal because its automatically converted and paid when you checkout.
Domain registration companies who provide other services too I just mention their names so you can search their name in Google or directly go to their site if you have their web address. The top domain providing companies in Dubai are:
2 Prisim Events Digital Advertising
3 The Ninehertz
4 Indglobal digital private limited
5 Alwafaa Group
6 RS Hosting
7 Gulf Hosting
8 Jasper Micron
9 Allianz Hosting
10 Temok IT Services
There are almost 32 or more companies but you can visit and buy your domain in Dubai from any one company.
My Opinion for domain registration is to choose company who have good hosting package with it because mostly companies give discount coupons with domain and if you are their regular customers they can give you offers that best suits for your business. If they have good credibility and running from long so you don’t need to worry that from hack. Your site will be secured and no bandwidth issues. It will also helps search engine to rank so you can boost your business and its easy step to buy and attach in hosting panel.
If you don’t know or confuse you can do this small work near you who also can provide you domain registration service they will attach your domain hosting and remaining things too if they provide web development, designing, graphics, contents, seo, digital marketing etc but its cost a higher if you do work from company or professionals on your site, its one time charges for everything and when you do any update by them they charge again.
Read the whole article if you read fast it takes 3 to 5 minutes and it will definitely help you in one way or in other. you can visit these 10 sites and I also publish next article where I will compare the differences between all companies who providing domain registration within Dubai and I will give summery so you can easily make good and fast decision to buy your new domain and would also discuss next about domain search before you register like ,tweet share and subscribe us so you get informational updates regularly.