Important things you have to discuss with your Developer before starting any Project

Important things you have to discuss with your Developer before starting any Project

Important things you have to discuss with your Developer before starting any Project

As a client, if you want to design a new website, an online store or develop an app, your basic priority should be to hire an experienced web developer. Hiring a well-experienced web developer or web designer is very important to handle your project according to your requirements. Either you want to design the whole website or redesign it through some tweaks, variations, problems, or extra functionality, your relationship with your web developer should be on the open conversation basis to avoid the following problem;

Missed targets
Lack of communication
Slow communication
No communication
Over Expectations
Pre-planned strategies
Loosely defined choices
Problems don’t get fixed
The relationship of the client and any service provider is a human relationship so it can be complicated and to avoid all the above things and creating a long-term reliable relation following guidelines should be followed;

Importance of Communication

Too much and too little both the communication is not good so there should be a quality communication link between the client and the developer while all the developing process for handling the project efficiently.

Managing the project

During the project, your project management and communication should be unified and approachable. A lot of time can be lost in the back-and-forth of looking for files, check-ins, appraisals, development, queries, choices, etc. That’s why it’s significant to establish where the developer can find everything they require.

Calling the Reports

There are few things that matter to handle all the development process like;
Who are the final decision makers?
Is there a UI/UX team involved?
Is there anyone else who has participated in decisions?
Is there a marketing team or a manager who wants to evaluate in on decisions?
Who is going to be giving direction directly to the developer?
Is there a direct communication with the developer?
It is very important to record each and every decision on a central location to decide the future strategies according to aim and objectives.


Handling Decisions by Developer

There are some technical issues that you have to give a free hand to web designer and developer for better outputs. You just tell them the requirements and then let them do their work like;
Interpreting web design
Pixel perfection
Reusability of sections
Designing a responsive website
Decisions regarding animations and transitions
Usability. User experience and accessibility

Timeline Issues

Before starting a project clearly discuss with your developer about hard and soft deadlines. After the launching of websites, many developers can’t be on call so there should be a proper agreement about all these phases in the development process. Just be clear with your developer and trust them to deliver accordingly.

Payment Structure

Discuss all the following things clearly to avoid any inconvenience;
Project fee
•The target for the end of the project
Scope of the project
When does the payment go out?
Payment of project at an hourly or fixed rate?


It’s clear that follow all the guidelines for a better work environment with your developer and designer to attain maximum results.
